News Article

PFAS Not Detected in LMWD Water

Our Compliance Director requested state-funded PFAS sampling for Lookout Mountain Water District.  This testing shows no PFAS detected in our drinking water.

Interested in Early Leak Notification?

Would you like to see your water usage any time you want?  Want to be notified 24 hours after a leak starts vs. waiting until reads are performed at the end of the month? You can be in control of all of your water usage at a glance with the simple addition of an Orion Cellular LTE-M Transponder to your meter and signing up for EyeOnWater on the web or on the app. Watch this video to see what you're missing! The prepaid cost is $375 and includes installation!

Public Outreach Meeting - THANK YOU!

A huge THANK YOU to all of you who attended the Outreach Meeting on Wednesday, 10/25. A lot of very good information was shared, and it was awesome to put names to faces and to interact with our community members. Stay tuned for the next get-together!


Water Quality Reports on Site

ALL 2023 and 2024 water quality reports are available on the Water Quality Reports page (under the Publications & Records tab). This will now pull automatically from our repository when the reports are received, so you can always be sure you have the most up-to-date reports possible. There are reports for total organic carbon/alkalinity, coliform/E.